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CBES: Center for Bio-Inspired Energy Science

Danna Freedman

Danna Freedman

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Freedman Lab

CBES Research Areas:
Magnetic Morphogenesis, Autonomous Soft Microrobots

  • Frederick George Keyes Professor of Chemistry
PhD (2009), University of California, Berkeley

The Freedman laboratory’s research focuses on applying inorganic chemistry to approach challenges in physics, with specific emphasis on quantum information science, magnetic materials, and emergent phenomena. Some notable research accomplishments of the Freedman lab include the observation of millisecond coherence times in molecular qubit candidates and creating the first iron-bismuth bond in the solid state. Freedman began her scientific career performing undergraduate research in Prof. Hongkun Park’s laboratory at Harvard University. She then moved to Prof. Jeffrey Long’s lab at UC Berkeley for her graduate studies where she studied magnetic anisotropy in single-molecule magnets. She pursued solid-state research during her postdoc in Prof. Daniel Nocera’s laboratory at MIT. There, Freedman probed geometric spin frustration in kagomé lattices and quantum spin liquids. She started her independent position at Northwestern University in 2012 and transferred to her new position at MIT in 2021.

Key Publications

A Porous Array of Clock Qubits
Zadrozny, J.; Gallagher, A.; Harris, T.D.; Freedman, D.
J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017, 139, 7089–7094.

Millisecond Coherence Time in a Tunable Molecular Electronic Spin Qubit
Zadrozny, J.; Niklas, J.; Poluektov, O.; Freedman, D.
ACS Cent. Sci.2015, 1, 488–492.