Harvard University
jaiz@seas.harvard.eduAizenberg Lab
CBES Research Areas:
Multi-Scale Synthesis of Artificial Muscles, Autonomous Soft Microrobots, Magnetic Morphogenesis
Harvard University
jaiz@seas.harvard.eduCBES Research Areas:
Multi-Scale Synthesis of Artificial Muscles, Autonomous Soft Microrobots, Magnetic Morphogenesis
One of our goals in CBES is to push the limits of response times in robotic soft matter to either light or temperature. The Aizenberg lab is now developing the novel elastomeric systems with the potential for fast and large actuation. The Aizenberg lab is also pursuing work on liquid crystalline elastomers containing noncovalent links in their backbones or crosslinks. We hypothesize that nanoscopic networks will create supramolecular topological memory at macroscopic scales in analogy to covalent crosslinking, and possibly at faster speeds of actuation and recovery.
Multiresponsive Polymeric Microstructures with Encoded Predetermined and Self-Regulated Deformability
Yao, Y., Waters, J.T., Shneidman, A.V., Cui, J., Wang, X., Mandsberg, N.K., Li, S., Balazs, A.C., Aizenberg, J.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115, 2018, 12950-12955.
Multifunctional Ferrofluid-Infused Surfaces with Reconfigurable Mutliscale Topography
Wang, W., Timonen, J.V.I., Carlson, A., Drotlef, D-M., Zhang, C.T., Kolle, S., Grinthal, A., Wong, T-S., Hatton, B., Kang, S.H., Kennedy, S., Chi, J., Blough, R.T., Sitti, M., Mahadevan, L., Aizenberg, J.
Nature 559, 2018, 77-92.